Friday, December 18, 2009

Agree or disagree??

Jurisprudence class by Dr Arnand makes me think..although I disagree with him in some way, however on the other end of the spectrum, what he said actually makes sense..just different opinion and different way of looking at things..It makes me ponder upon how human behaves and how the society is actually formed.
He is pro Marxism while I am not. I don't believe that the world can survive through equality. Man will always fight with another man to dominate the other. For all men to live side by side with the same amount of rights, same wealth and same position is far from reality..not something that could be changed overnight..One man's greed is enough to defeat the whole ideology of equality among man.
But one thing that I truly agree is that men tends to be a prone follower of their surroundings..Law is made because of the acceptance of it by majority..hence, a bad law can still be a law if it is accepted by a vast majority. Another point that he made was that law is created to fill in the gaps between different classes of make believe and to allow the superior to continue having power over the inferior..true enough..but law doesn't only cater for safeguards a person's action..listing now the do's and the dont's in a particular society..buthow bout the creation of wills and land laws..these are not for that purpose..
His class although might be very boring could be quite interesting if you open your mind and try to really think about it.=)
Thats why I cancelled both my tuitions tomorrow to attend his class from 10-5pm
Worth??I don't know..I'll make it worth

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