Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I had the best dream yesterday night!
I dreamt that I could fly and I was as though in the movie "King Arthur". In the dream, I was one of the heroin which managed to escape the arrest of the evil magicians while all my other friends were held captive in the magician's tower.
During the arrest, I was at home with my friends and family, even BC was in my dream.haha.then when the magicians came, I hid on top of the roof, that was when I realised that I could fly.
I then flew to King Arthur to tell him what happened and there was a lovely princess which is Arthur's lover that gave birth to a lovely prince.

The feeling of flying is fantastic, but of course it's not realistic at all.

Then the dream ended and another dream started, I was working in this company and the first day of my job, I was assigned to learn from Ian Wright-the tea maker of the company. In my dream, I was like "This company hired Ian Wright to make tea?They must be paying him very well for him to fore go his hosting occupation."

Then during my work, Angie was my colleague but I felt asleep during work and when I was sleeping, the dream switched back to King Arthur, where I continue to fight with the magicians to rescue my family and friends.

Of course we succeeded in the rescue and the country was back to peace, all the evil magicians were chased out of the country and everyone shouted :"Hail, King Arthur!"

That was when the happy bubble pops, I woke up *still in my dream* and my boss (he is a tall mat salleh) told me that I was fired because I slept during working hours.WTH?

Still, I hope to have more dreams of flying.=)

Gonna go library soon
And CPC refresher tutorial at night.

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