Thursday, November 12, 2009

Iron woman

I once heard a story of an Iron woman.
She is truly admired by others because she is strong and she endure hardship.
You won't believe what life has given her..
Although sad and devastating things happening around her..
But still, she stands a ship in the midst of a storm
She'll just take whatever life has to offer, without complaints and without blames
Just like the saying goes-when life gives you lemon, you make lemonade.=)

I believe that her descendants will have the same quality as her.
To be strong in whatever they face.
To gain confidence back again in what she is passionate about
To gain trust in friendship again..=)
Because there are still people who truly wants the best for her.
People who don't give a damn about where she comes from, what she went through, what is her weaknesses..
All they care about is the girl standing in front of them to be able to be WHO SHE IS!!
and I know she is made out of more than this.

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