Thursday, March 3, 2011

A look out of my window

When I first moved into my house, I was very proud because I've got the best view from my room's window. In the morning, the sun ray will shine through between the blinds and when I look out the window lying on my bed, I will see the blue sky and smile at God's great creation. Feeling alive.

There was a hill with a house and a huge tree that I could see and sometimes there will be smoke. I felt that it was a very nice view and as though there was a chimney inside the house.
Few years back, I realized that the huge blossoming tree now is dead with dry branches waiting for the day to be chop off. I realized that the hill was actually a cemetery and today, I realized that the smoke that I saw was the smoke released after cremation.

I sunk into deep despair because now it occurs to me that every time I saw smoke, it was someone out there losing their love ones. How insanely stupid to have the thought that the smoke I saw was irresponsible people openly burning their rubbish.

Now every time I see the smoke when I look out the window, I no longer see it as "Wow, it looks like chimney smoke from the far away house on the hill, nice!"
It is no longer admiring how spectacular the view is, but it would be a reminder to myself that life is fragile.

It reminds me of a movie, I kinda forgotten the movie title but if I'm not mistaken, the title was The boy in blue pyjamas. It was a movie about Nazi-Germany and the killing of the Jews where they told the Jews to enter into a room for shower, but in fact the room was to kill them with fire, burning them alive and there will be thick smoke coming out from the camp site.

I slept for 2 hours yesterday and woke up very early for my friend-Aimee father's funeral and cremation ceremony. It was today that I was looking up at the smoke that came our from the DBKL Cheras Cremation Center that I came to realized that the cremation center was actually the house on the hill that I see out my window. STUPID!

STUPID that I thank God for the nice view when on the other side up the hill, families are mourning for their love ones.

I no longer think I have a nice view out my window.

and today, I learned to accept death as a part of life.

To be grateful because I have a loving family and boyfriend, close cousins, wonderful bunch of friends, a good life with enough to eat and a shelter. The basic necessity is met, and of course anything extra, I have to work to get it. But ultimately, I've good health and so does my family, I think that's a great blessing!
No compliant. =)

And I hope my life would be a blessing not only to my family but to others.

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